
Cudgen, NSW

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Already a popular choice for families and tourists in the Far North Coast, NSW, as a vibrant beach holiday destination, Kingscliff has been identified as a future growth area. The proposed development at Kingscliff & Cudgen includes a link road that creates a new gateway to the centre of Kingscliff Village and links the community facilities between the two neighbouring suburbs.

Upon completion, the 110 lot Kingscoast community will offer a diversity of lifestyle and housing choices in a walkable, accessible and compact neighbourhood supported by established local amenities and services including the new $723m state-of-the-art Tweed Valley Hospital which is on schedule to open for patients in 2023.

Crescent Street,
Cudgen, NSW

Kingscoast SOLD OUT, Construction underway.

Crescent Street,
Cudgen, NSW

Kingscoast SOLD OUT, Construction underway.